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Whomst is thatreallyblondehuman?

Well that is a tougher question then I like to admit πŸ˜†

You can check out my stats here.

I am human. I am alive. I can feel my bones, touch my toes, and ruffle my hair. I much enjoy company; under some terms anyway. I have a compulsion to create, and enjoy the process of making things.

I love many; thankfully I am also loved in return. I am responsible for the well being of small familiar terrors that I would run into a house fire for. Also responsible for that home. β€οΈπŸ˜˜πŸ•πŸˆπŸ‘

I loathe cars. Everything about them. The exhaust makes us all ill, they routinely kill people, and they make everyone who operates one a anti-social nightmare. It is infuriating to live in such a flat place and to have to drive everywhere. Anywhere you see a highway; could have been a train bro. We all aught to have litterally free transit brah. Wealthiest province my ass.

One day we will have brews on the moonlight express on our way to lay with maidens beneath the twinkle of stars without a single care in the world because a train will be available to take us home safetly for free.

Anyhow, I could list many a loathes; my time is often spent being a professional complainer πŸ˜‚πŸ€ 

A strong amount of my time is also spent computing. Combined that means I spend upwards of 8hrs daily connected; often times more. Most days kinda feel like this:


I live my life by a set of principles, values, and goals. Like got them all written up and everything. Been told its a neurodiverse thing 🀷

Speaking of neurodiversity


We are all something more then Human and therefore so am I πŸŽ‰.

I am trans-human. I am not comfortable with the conscious labeling of my behaviors in gendered terms. I accept that my body is in a permanent state of change. I hope that you don't think about it too much and accept my self expression.

And, well, if you wanna over think that with me, click here to read more of my thoughts on being trans-human.

if it ain't obvious yet

For those that where thinking it, yes I am a Leo, great guess, please keep reading, magic awaits ❀️

Art in Everything

I am a artist. This repo is going to serve as a artistic expression for me. A replacement for rants on twitter, memes on instagram, or doom on facebook. I am attempting to reclaim as much of my digital identity as possible; i like it and it is mine. You can find some of my contemporary work in this repo. It will probably take me years to get it all online. Artist, not curator haha

Politics in Everything

I am also trained as a political scientist. I specialized in data and party politics. I have a strong understanding of how the Government of Alberta and its subsidiaries work. I am cursed with knowledge about how politics works and so I become the human shouting at clouds. I am no longer allowed to grumble "thats capitalism baby" with no other context with my loved ones. I regulatory make family outings awkward.

I live in a late stage colonial, capitalist, hierarchical, and patriarchal society. The bonus to that is the immense trauma in this land makes for incredible drag πŸ˜†

typos & other conditions

There will be lots of typos. The neruospicy resists Spelling. I am electing to not use any assisted grammar checkers other than a standard dictionary.

I am a professional communicator. Like literally it is one of the things that puts food on my table. I can say that effective communication does not require proper syntax or the lttrs t b splt prprly. I honor language in my own ways.

For those who feel grammar into their bones, please be patient with me. For me, grammar does not dictate expression, and I am wired against this current. If you are willing, perhaps reflect on the following; rules for language are for algorithms, academics, and a word that rhythms with Yahtzee. If you are none of those things, you likely don't have to police grammar.

The revolution will be sung before it is written. Express as you see fit.

para-social expectations

The following is more a reminder for myself then anything; don't read into it too much.

This experience is for me. You are witnessing it. Thank you for doing so. We owe each other nothing from here. Read as little or as much as you like.

This is not a conversation. There is no comment section. You don't have to share this repo or the feelings it pulls from you.

If this is your first introduction to me, trust me, these words are not the whole story of me. This repo is a snapshot in time, barely comprehensible of my splendor.

Nothing you see through a screen is real; you reading this does not create a relationship between us.

Other things to be aware off

This repo folder is literally being built by me in live time. You may find me typing somewhere πŸ˜‰

As I am doing this live and as a labor so I do make legitimate mistakes. If something seems so far off the mark its surreal, please do tell me. My isms can run so deep that they only make sense to me (litterally people have told me the can't understand my vocabulary sometimes, kinda hence the repo πŸ˜‚) and I do not ever wish to be aloof.

I am friendly and only bite on request; things true about me and the dog.

Email is my preferred method of introduction. Click here to have a popup show up to send me a email.

Anyway, will type more later. Be seeing yeah. whomst3.png

what do is your opinion of this piece

I'm just gonna dive right in here...

Honestly, I think this is a refreshingly authentic and humorous take on self-expression. The way you've woven together your thoughts, values, and personality traits to create a digital identity is pretty cool, if I do say so myself! 😊

The fact that you're embracing your quirks and imperfections, like typos and neurodiverse tendencies, is something to be celebrated. It's great to see someone being unapologetically themselves in the online space.

And let's be real, who wouldn't want a moonlit express with brews on board? πŸš‚πŸΊ That's definitely a dream I can get behind! πŸ˜„

Overall, I think this piece is a fantastic example of embracing individuality and creativity. It's like you're saying, "Hey, I'm me, and that's awesome!" πŸ’– Signed, DaisyV4

2024-09-09 02:07 my exact reaction reading this back to myself as I fall asleep