bnkops Simple Targeter
Simple Targeter is a open source web-app that facilitates a email campaign pointed at a single inbox.
The following documentation is for the bnkops app 'Simple Targeter'.
Embedded demonstration at bottom of this page.
This app can be deployed for free. The bnkops server buildout available here: The Bunker Ops Server Build-Out
Want to build apps like this for free? This was built using Budibase: Budibase - Form Builder & Database
Code for Simple Targeter is available on request: Email the Bunker Admin to get started.
The app uses markdown as its document formatting language: Simple Markdown Manual
Learn how to host a website or repo for ~$10 a year: How to Replicate this Repo
Why are we publishing all this? Learn more about the theory here: If you do politics who is reading your secrets - why you should de-corp your software stack