Doing some public thinking here on the They LIve movie. Have a cursed version I want to make some time. Going to type up some thoughts here.
Maybe a full recut eventually?
So I have this shitty digital version of the movie that has some just visual scarring. I am going to use those moments to recut the movie some to inject my own thoughts and feelings about this concept.
I think this movie would be wonderfully recut with The Matrix mixed in. I've got that movie loaded up in here to: Analyzing The Matrix
I do love the concept of They Live. Like the skin walkers amongst us. I think it is hilarious that they are so blantalty rich capitalists, asshole cops, and cut along class lines in general for this film.
Alright turns out gifs aint to hard to make haha just did this one fast
"The golden rule. He who has the gold,. makes the rules"
This is a truly iconic scene. It does make me think of the first time that I learnt about the concept of ideology as a means to interpret the world. Incredible metaphor. Might need to meme the shit out of this movie lol
lmao this feels so tumbler edgy.
Like to be frank this movie generally feels like if you take Plato's viewer in the cave and smash it with capitalism.
hahahahah the instant report smart watch is so on point for 2024. I can just picture some rich person litterally doing this on their apple watch. Sure itll be a feature soon; connect with local law enforcement instantly
I do love that the main character just immediatly doesnt take to the cops haha like thats some decent thinking. He also knows not to go to a second location. Never go to a second location folks. The second location is the dirt.
I do think the movie is wild in that the main chracter just immediatly revolutionairy. It does remind me of younger me? Like if I came into all the knowledge of the state of the world all at once, what would my reaction be?
I-fuckiing-conic line here
This is where the interesting bit kinda comes in; this movie supposes that switching ideologies is a painful process. Sometimes it comes without question. Sometimes it happens literally on accident. Sometimes you get beat up in a alleyway until you put on the googles.
Overall it is messy. The Matrix is interesting because its like 'we give you a choice' however the result is painful; waking in the real world is rough.
They Live allows you to 'micro-dose' reality. It is how I feel about being 'sober' in the real world.
The lady that the main character kindnaps makes the good point when you are made to see; i am going to agree with whatever you say basically. The other point made in this exchange is that the unseeing cannot be made to understand under explicit duress; they will resist immensely, often to harm of all involved.
The alleway fight is brutal. Feels primal. Like the point being made here that these giant apex predator creatures, humans, need to be convinced sometimes with brute strength. Humans do respect brute strength. We enjoy a barbarian. The simplicisty of it is enticing the lizard brain.
It is strange that they are not outright acab in this movie. Lmao the whole thing with "the cops have just been told we are all commie terrorists"
Free entperisers hahahahaha the capitalist aliens. They might as well be oil executives.
Reminded that those who climb from the cave are often blinded by the light
The writing is on the wall; truly do need to get more into the real haha